Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Old Blog Classic: Twilight Book Review #4: More Talk With Less Rock

Chapters 10-12

Okay… so maybe it was the lack of sleep… or shot of estrogen to my veins… but Chapters 10-12 were overall very tolerable to read.

…I know! Right!? I mean… should I just stop reading now before I go out and buy a Twilight T-shirt from hot topic and buy a Paramore CD?

…The short answer… no…

…the long answer…


… Edward and Bella… talk… for three chapters…. They talk… and talk and talk. Bella describes Edwards voice as “Velvet” so many times I had to get a dictionary out to remember that velvet can also be a noun if it wanted to (I also learned it could mean the “soft downey skin that covers a deers antlers). Therefore…Edward now looks like a deer to me…

Anywho… Edward seems to get a kick out of reading people’s minds and probably knows perverted stuff about everybody in the highschool, which would make some people uncomfortable…but not Bella (shocking! Huh?). You see… he can’t read Bella’s mind… so he goes off of her dim-witted friends to get the scoop… which would probably be like reading the Crayola drawings your baby brother draws for you that looks like a black raincloud that he calls “a duck.” Basically I like calling her friends retarded…

… Not much happens in terms of plot… oh wait… plot? Hmmm… well I guess you can call their relationship plot… but I can also a pile of dog crap “crème brulee.”

My major gripe as of now with these chapters is that I’m slowly getting bored of watching the wonder couple play no-touch.

…Ok… so they’re learning about each other… and it’s romantic… but seriously… I think I’ve gotten the picture that he doesn’t want to touch her for fear of ripping off her skin and wrapping it around himself like a scarf…Then probably go out and wrestle more bears. But NO…that would be interesting.

I want action…or suspense…or CONFLICT! Ok…so Edward mentions something about his sister not approving of their relationship…but nothing has happened yet with that… Maybe I’m just being too harsh and wanting some meat on these bones to keep me interested… but I feel like the stupid little gossip girl who can’t wait to see how my MOST FAV Couple are doing while passing notes in class.

There are some funny moments of tension where Bella wants to touch Edward. Like a little kid with an electrical socket… we all just want to see her do it… but we know she could get her face ripped off if she does.

… The author is not letting the reader have enough fun… it’s like the characters are having the time of their oh-so-mopey lives… and we’re stuck in the backseat while they make out in the front seat. So these chapters are not terrible… just not as compelling as I wish they would be. 6.5/10

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